Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cute cats!

Whelp. I'm sick this week & do not have the energy to compose my weekly blogpost. Instead I'll leave you with a song and a bunch of cute cat pictures. Enjoy!

Soft kitty

Warm kitty

Little ball of fur

Happy kitty

Sleepy kitty

Purr purr purr

And now for the pic of the week:
This is the full moon one morning hanging around after the sun came up. 


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Down the Pounds

My work is sponsoring a weight loss challenge. I teamed up with four other coworkers and we were tasked with losing weight over a 12 week period. I thought joining this challenge would be the kick in the butt I needed, but I've waited until the last minute to get serious (uh-oh). 

I've got my fitness routine down, but with the end of the challenge looming I've decided to focus on nutrition. I will be continuing high protein foods but will add in some complex carbs, up my veggies and try to limit my fat intake. All of this takes planning & prepping. So bring on the Sunday Funday foodprep!

For breakfast my favorite will always be eggs. 

This week I got everything to make a veggie scramble. I sautéed spinach, mushrooms, onions and garlic and added it to my egg white scramble. 

Here's the final product packed and ready to go. 

For lunch I took two pounds of of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and divided them into two quick and easy recipes. 

The first batch required an Italian marinade. I combined balsamic vinegar, EVOO, garlic and oregano. 

The second batch was more of a kickin' chicken. The marinade combined Frank's Red Hot, citrus and garlic. 

And for an after-workout treat, I made a special batch of overnight oats. 

Everything tastes better out of a mason jar, right?!?

Now hopefully all this prepping will pay off. I hate losing. But whether I win or lose at least I have all my meals taken care of for the week!

And now for the pic of the week:
This octopus adorns the wall outside of my favorite poke place, Ono Seafood. It makes sense since 3 out of 6 of their menu items are tako (octopus). 
