Silly me, I decided to move in the winter which makes some of the play things harder to do. The upside, the weather in Honolulu is always better than the mainland. The downside, I moved in the middle of the rainy season. Luckily it can rain in the morning and be gorgeous by the afternoon.
This is not the first time I've lived near the beach. When I was in grad school I had a townhome that was just one bridge away from the beach. Though even with the Isle of Palms and Sullivan's Island just a few minutes away, I only spent a couple of afternoons lounging on the beach each summer.
With this move, I've made a vow to be different. I know I can't spend everyday at the beach (a girls gotta work, ya know), but I don't want weeks to go by without my toes wiggling in the sand.
So fingers crossed that the weather and my schedule will be agreeable. And I might as well go buy stock in sunscreen ... with my fair skin I'm still using SPF 50 four months in!
Here are some pictures:
Working on my suntan.
Imagine me pushing the LIKE button. Always look forward to Thursday.