- I get to enjoy the weather, which is beautiful most days. Yay for vitamin D!
- I count the miles towards my daily exercise.
- I save $60 a month by not parking at work. The CHOA parking deck in Atlanta might have stunk, but at least it was free.
- With gas costing almost $4.30, every gallon I can save is extra money in my pocket. Fun fact: I've used <4 tanks of gas since the move.
- And since Hawaii is ranked the second worst traffic city in the nation, I'd rather avoid that cluster as much as possible.
But walking has its disadvantages too. Let me tell you about the little things that are driving me crazy in a big way.
1. So I'm pretty sure it's called a sidewalk for a reason ... it's made for walkers. It's not for bikes, razor scooters, skateboards or other things with wheels. I understand those other things might work better on a sidewalk, but please don't run me over... Ick!
2. Hawaii might be in the middle of the ocean, but it's still America. As a result I think sidewalk traffic patterns should mimic road traffic patterns. If you meet another person, take to the right side of the sidewalk. Each time I meet a person I feel like we're dancing as we weave back and worth... Blech!
3. Speaking of meeting other people on the sidewalk, ever hear of giving the right of way?!? Couples continue walking two people deep without caring that it pushes me into the bushes ... Ugh!
4. And people in this city love their little dogs. What they don't love doing is picking up their doggie's doodoo. And dodging the droppings is not my idea of a good time... Eww!
5. For the most part cars are great at yielding for pedestrians. What they are not good at is stopping their car before it's sitting in the middle of the crosswalk. Some afternoons I feel like I'm dodging cars... Yikes!
And even with all my moaning & groaning I would take my 20 minute walk in Honolulu over my 60 minute commute in Atlanta any day.
And now for the pic of the week:
Education of sidewalk rules might be a class you offer, you think ? If it helps any, Atlanta (still part of America (I presume) is more & more adopting the road rules of Asia. Rules seem to be taken as more of "suggestions". Things like right of way, staying in your lane & just courtesy are out the window. And then there are your rainbows, magical yes ! Enjoy where you are, no place & no person is perfect. I mean besides us. ;0)