Wednesday, May 20, 2015

For the birds

This blog post is for the birds...literally. 

Before writing I Googled other phrases with the word "bird" in it. I came up with:

- Bird brain
- Flipping the bird
- Bird's eye view
- Early bird
- Strange bird
- Birds & the bees
- Put a bird on it 

Why all the fuss about birds?!? Well I seem to have acquired to myna birds. 
A couple of months ago they started visiting the railing on my lanai. Then I noticed they were dragging twigs, leaves and trash onto my windowsill. Now I can count on them to start singing (loudly) at 6am, seven days a week. 

I've put up with their trash and their early morning singing. I've even sacrificed using my window AC so as to not disturb their nest. Now I'm just crossing my fingers that some baby birds will be the next step. 

And now for the pic of the week:

In sticking with the nature theme, check out the little lizard that hitched a ride on the hood of my car. He stuck with me both to and from yoga. What a ride. 


Sunday, May 10, 2015

A hui hou

Hawaiians have a saying: "a hui hou", meaning see you later or until we meet again. 

Part of living on a island means that you're a little less accessible from the rest of the world. Even in this century filled with technology, we're still stuck in the middle of the Pacific. I can't just hop in my car and drive across state lines. Heck, I have to catch a plane just to get to the other side of the state!

Since moving to the Hawaii I've adapted to not seeing my family and friends on the mainland as much as I like. But I've yet to adapt to all the people moving to and from the island. This year I've already said goodbye to two friends and I'm prepping to say goodbye to four more. With all of this change I've discovered I really don't like "goodbyes"!

This month I'm saying goodbye to my trainer and friend, Jesse. In the last year we've trained together; we've hiked together; and we've laughed together. I hate to say goodbye, so since this is Hawaii I'll just say a hui hou... Until we meet again!

Our hiking group on one of the best hikes on the island. And of course Jesse is taking Mai with him. I hate that this group is slowly disbanding. 

First ever open water swim sprints, courtesy of Coach Jesse. 

Capturing the last team cheer. 

Gym progress pics, which wouldn't be possible without one of the best trainers ever! 

BTW- Blake, Devin and Chad are now welcome to start fighting to become my new favorite trainer. Haha. Good luck. 

And now for the pic of the week:

When looking for a picture to post on FB for Mother's Day, I came across this gem.  Consider this a #TBT one day early ;-)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How old?!?

There's a new webpage that's become an overnight internet sensation: The site consists of a "robot"that guesses your age and gender. 

The results are supposed to be entertaining and all in good fun. They even have a disclaimer apologizing if the results are inaccurate. Still, some of my results were a little disappointing. 

Apparently I look like a middle-aged man. On a happier note, at least the statue looks older than me!

I know this was after a rough workout, but do I really look old enough to collect Social Security?!?

And this happened with multiple pictures... No face detected. Perhaps I should consider a second job as a spy or a ninja. 

The robot has yet to guess my real age, so I've decided to pick my own age. So if anyone asks, I'm not a day over 25! 

And now for the pic of the week:
Thanks to a new app I can now have Ryan Gosling "Hey Girl" me whenever I want!
