Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Kinda a big deal

So many big things happened in Hawaii this week. Some made national news, others will get no more mention than this little blog. But all of these things are kinda a big deal. And now, in no particular order:

Shark!!!! There were actually two shark attacks this week. Sadly, one of the victims didn't survive. Now I've yet to go in deeper than my ankles, but in preparation for future swimming I did some research. 2013 was a big year for sharks on the islands (12 attacks, 2 fatalities), but prior to this year the last fatal attack was 2004 ... Whew!

At midnight Monday night the first same sex marriages occurred in Hawaii. This adorable little couple was finally able to wed after being together for 35 years. Although many Hawaiians don't support this new law, it's clear I'm no longer in the Bible Belt. 
On a more personal note my car, Betty, finally arrived after her long boat ride from the mainland. I am extra-dextra excited about the freedom that having my car will bring! Next stop... Costco where I will pack Betty with all those things that were to heavy to carry on The Bus. 

Finally I'm back doing what I love working with babies and their families. It's just now my babies are all Hawaiian... Super cute! (FYI- this is not a patient photo, though please don't report me to Hawaii's March of Dimes. In fact, maybe you should just make a donation to them and they'll look the other way). 

Now let's end with my favorite picture o the week. It was of the clouds rolling in before the first big storm of my Hawaiian adventure (Otherwise it's been 80 and sunny).

1 comment:

  1. That is a big week!! Funny that my only reacting to your section on the shark attacks is that I'm mad that you haven't fully submerged in the ocean yet. Get to it!! I actually heard about the lesbian couple news, I think it was on GMA. But mostly, I am just excited that you and Betty are back together! Reunited and it feels so good!! CHeese sammich
