Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Time for a Change

After a lot of thought I think I'm ready for something new. Some people might find moving to a new city, starting a new job and transforming my diet/exercise routine  to be quite a lot of change...but I'm not satisfied. 

So after a year of trying to grow long, luxurious "Hawaiian" hair I think I'm gonna go back to a shorter hairdo. Of course I've done my research and I've narrowed down my potential looks. 

This is what I always wanted my hair to look like, but try as I might I will never have a thick head of hair. 

So let's look at some more realistic options:

Choice #1: I mean, who isn't loving Taylor Swift's new cut!

Choice #2: The classic bob is always a winning look. 

Choice #3: Maybe with some stacking in the back I can "fake" thicker hair!

Choice #4: Maybe with shorter hair I can rock the "wavy-I-just-came-from-the-beach" look. 

If anyone has an opinion now is the time to weigh in...perhaps next week I'll have updated pictures of my new look!

And now for the pic of the week:
Check out this sweet ride. I think I may have found my next car...jk. 


Wednesday, January 21, 2015


This last week I had to take a break from the gym. I had an embarrassing fall and the result was a lot of bruises, a sore knee and a twisted ankle. As much as I wanted to workout, my body was telling me I needed a break. 

I used some of my time off to read about fitness and nutrition. I also stumbled across some great inspirational quotes. 

Here's some of the good ones:
Not only was this one a good reminder, but also timely with the MLK holiday. 

Delayed gratification isn't easy, but it's important to remember why I'm eating healthy and working out. 

Can't I have both?!?

It's always good to remember where you came from...and where you're going. 

I'm so proud of the things I an do now that were unimaginable a year ago!

Now I have pictures of my injuries, but I didn't think they were appropriate to share. So instead take a look at the first aid supplies I amassed. 

I think they know my name at Walgreens. Haha. 

Luckily I'm (mostly) healed and back to my regular routine. Now instead of finding my inspiration on the internet, I can find it in the gym!
And now for the pic of the week:
 Cotton candy sunrise. 


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I got culture!

You don't have to look that hard to realize the culture in HI is very different than back in the South where I was raised. The people are from different countries, the food tastes different, and I've heard languages that I didn't even know existed. Even the religion here is more diverse. 

This weekend I got to expirience Japanese culture. The JCC (Japanese Cultural Center) was hosting the New Year Ohana Festival. I went to check it out with some girls from the gym. 

We started by checking out the food...Duh. 

Here's okonomiyashi, a cabbage & noodle pancake. Oddly enough I wished it had more cabbage!

Here they're making andagi, similar to a  fried donut. I thought they tasted a lot like fritters or hush puppies. 

And of course green milk tea with boba!

Next on the list was cultural immersion. I watched a group pound out fresh mochi. Then I listened to taiko drums. I walked by a Shinto booth where they were giving out sake & candy in exchange for donations. I ended by checking out the crafts & artisans. 

There was a man with his banzai. A group of people were weaving decorative rope. Women were demonstrating creating art with homemade paper (this one was so cool I may have to take a class or two). Finally I tried to copy the Japanese kanji for "dream". 

Here I'm getting my lesson before I start. 

Mine doesn't look quite the same, but my instructor promised I didn't write anything offensive!

And then since the price was right we decided to buy a kimono. 

Of course I picked the purple one!

And now for the pic of the week:
My friend Ali took this one as I was halfway up Koko Head. This hike is a serious one & I'm proud to say that I did it. 


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Off to a good start

2015 started off with a bang... Literally. I spent the evening with friends and then we watched the fireworks from the beach. It was a lovely experience ringing in the new year with my favorite people and my toes in the Pacific Ocean.  

What happens when a "photo booth" is setup on a lanai? A whole lotta awesome pictures like this one!

The fireworks were the perfect end to a perfect evening. 

Firework selfie!

On News Years Day I celebrated with a hike. We walked up the Makapuʻu trail to the lighthouse, spotted a couple of whales and then went further up the trail to check out an old military bunker. 

 Here's a view of the east coast. 

Here's the lighthouse the trail is named for. The whales were playing in the distance, but I couldn't get a good picture. 

Here's the bunker at the top of the hill. 

And because one hike just wasn't enough, on Sunday I went and did the Lanikai Pillbox loop. The first half of the hike was full of tourists, but once you get beyond the second pillbox it gets nice and quiet. 

Cute little sign marking the trailhead. 

Check out the panoramic views. 

I'm so strong I can hold up the Mokes ;-)

Check out all the reefs. 

If this week is any indicator, then 2015 is going to be an amazing year!

And now for the pic of the week:
I love my girls (and Roscoe Rascal too)!
