Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wedding Bells

Family has always been important to me. In my family we enjoy spending time with our extended family, including cousins. 

This week the family was celebrating the wedding of one of my cousins. I was happy for my cousin, but sad that the wedding was so far away and my PTO account was so depleted. 

After a little brainstorming, I found a way to "attend". With FaceTime I was able to say hi to the family AND watch the whole wedding ceremony. Also my sister carried around #flatpenny so that I could be in some of the family pictures. Now it wasn't the same as being there and I definitely missed out on the reception and after-party, but FT was the next best thing. 

Here's my view of the wedding:

My aunt is super cute and super crafty. This little message was in her kitchen. 

I got a second row seat for the ceremony.

 The lovely bride and her groom. 

#flatpenny and the cousins

And now for the pic of the week:

I love watching my grandparents dance & I hate that I missed this moment. I've got to give photocred to sister for this one.



  1. You are missed, you are loved, you have grown up to be a wonderful person, you make me proud. Love

  2. Love you & glad you could be there even through FT
