Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Like a tourist

Sometimes I get caught up in the day to day and forget that I live in a place that most people consider a vacation destination. This past week I tried out some new things and felt myself acting like a tourist. 

So what things did I get into?

I finally made it to Pint & Jigger. It's a hipster bar known for its bacon and libations. 

Since I don't eat pork, I had two sous vide old fashioned cocktails.

And it isn't a night out without karaoke. I've never been before so I warmed up my voice and practiced the legit pronunciation: car-uh-okay. 

I may not be the best singer, but I put a whole lotta emotion into my performance. 

I also made it to Duke's in Waikiki. The sun was setting, the live music was playing and besides our table it looked like the place was full of tourists!

The tropical version of the Moscow Mule... The Maui Mule ;-)

So based on my week it would seem that tourists drink and act like fools... Sounds about right!

And now for the pic of the week:
I can't take credit for this photo, but these words speak the truth. Ha!


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