Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The HI Secret

As with any big city, Honolulu is full of lots of different scents. As I walk by Liholiho St. I smell the fresh baked bread coming from Subway. As I pass Punahou St. the scent of rotting trash makes me wrinkle my nose. There's a food truck on Young St. that smells so delicious I seriously consider eating meat again (well maybe not). 

At work I told a story about a particularly malodorous scent. One afternoon while enjoying happy hour I caught a whiff of the worst  body odor ever. It was so bad I decided to close out my check versus staying for the rest of happy hour. After telling this story my coworker looked at me and said "Oh, she must have been a haole right?". I confirmed that the stench WAS coming from a white person. That's when I learned the Hawaiian secret:

Native Hawaiians don't have BO!!!

After polling the people in my office they all confessed that they don't stink and they don't even bother wear deodorant.  One guy said he has to wear it sometimes because his Dad is white which can make him smell funky if he really sweats. They think the lack of stinkiness comes from their Asian and Polynesian origins. They then laughed and said only white people have that funky smell. Grrrreat. 
Here I am after a hike. Very hot & a sure a little stinky. 

I've decided this is all horribly unfair. While everyone around me is enjoying the HI secret, I'm applying actual Secret deodorant 1-2x/day just to keep my haole stink away. Maybe that's why deodorant is so expensive. They're taking advantage of the mainlanders...

And now for the pic of the week:

I was trying to take a selfie with my tiny sombrero in honor of Cinco de Mayo (that's why my head looks lumpy). Instead I got this crazy picture of the sunlight. 


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