At the start of hurricane/typhoon season I was to be prepared. I started by watching TV specials. I read articles. I learned everything you needed to learn about storm preparation in HI.
And then I did... absolutely nothing.
Now fast forward a couple of weeks and the possibility for disaster is real. Hurricane Iselle and Hurricane Julio are all anyone can talk about. The news reports are basically weather updates with occasional news stories sprinkled in.
So I won't earn any Girl Scout badges for my preparation, but I think I'm ready.
- I got my version of a disaster kit.
- I have a couple of options for getting into work on Friday morning.
- And I've read up on my hospital's code black (severe weather policy).
So if I can make it trough this weekend then I will have survived my first disaster in paradise. And hopefully it will have been as uneventful as my previous brushes with disaster.
Storm #1, Hurriane Iselle, should be a tropical storm by the time she hits Honolulu on Friday.
Storm #2, Hurricane Julio, which is following a couple of days later is what makes this a "Double Whammy".
Going to the store last night was a bad idea. No water, batteries or toilet paper. The highlight of the trip was landing a great parking spot. I was in and out in < 30 mins.
Thank goodness I had most of what I needed because this is all I walked out with. Call it my version if essentials ;-)
And now for the pic of the week:
Sorry for all the food porn, but this dip was muy bueno! After months without Mexican food this 5-layer dip hit the spot.
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