I know I normally post on Wednesdays, but this week is a little different. This week is all about my health and fitness accomplishments. And what better day to write about them then on #transformationtuesday!
A little over a week ago I posted a picture on FB. I was acting silly at the gym, had my seven year old sidekick snap a picture and posted it without even thinking. A couple of days later I had 50+ likes and a bunch of comments about how great I looked. BTW- I'm considering hiring that little girl as my personal paparazzo.
All that attention made me go back and think about my health and wellness journey. In the past year I've:
- Gotten this close to eliminating sugar and wheat from my diet
- Switched from a 1 hr commute 2x/workday to a 1 mile walk 2x/workday
- Become a regular at the best gym in Honolulu... Fitness Ranes
- Reached new strength goals (180# deadlift, 53# kettle bell swings, 70# front loaded squats, just to name a few)
- Lowered my cholesterol by 35 pts
- Lost 33 lbs
And for me seeing my transformation really happened when I looked at two photos taken 13 months apart. Check it out =>
These changes were a result of hard work and dedication, but I couldn't have done it without Chris, Pauline, Jesse, Blake & all my wonderful workout buddies at Fitness Ranes. Now I can't wait to see what changes the next 12-13 months will bring!
And now for the pic of the week:
Purple is my favorite color & it looks love-er-ly in a sunset.